
1 단호박 짜장면 Danhobak Jajangmyeon Noodles with Kabocha, Black Soybean Sauce 4.95 6.95
2 매운 단호박 짜장면 Spicy Danhobak Jajangmyeon Noodles with Kabocha, Spicy Black Soybean Sauce 5.95 7.95
3 짬뽕 Champong Noodles w/ Seafood, Vegetable, Spicy Soup 6.95 8.95
4 깐풍기밥 Kampungi Bap Rice w/ Fried Chicken & Garlic, Pepper Spicy Sauce Marinated Hot Sauce 7.95 9.95
5 매운 유산슬밥 Spicy Yusan Seul Bap Rice w/Braised Seafood & Beef (Spicy) 8.95 10.95
6 제육덮밥 Jeyuk Deopbap(흰밥, 볶음밥 선택) Spicy Stir-fried Pork w/ Over Rice (Choose white Rice or Fried Rice) 8.95 10.95
7 불고기덮밥 Bulgogi Deopbap(흰밥, 볶음밥 선택) Marinated Beef Stir-Fry w/ Over Rice (Choose white Rice or Fried Rice) 8.95 10.95
8 새송이덮밥 Mushroom Deopbap(흰밥, 볶음밥 선택) Saesongi Mushroom Stir-Fry w/ Over Rice (Choose white Rice or Fried Rice) 7.95 9.95
9 치킨브러커리 덮밥 Chicken Broccoli Deopbap(흰밥, 볶음밥 선택) Chicken & Broccoli Stir-Fry w/ Over Rice (Choose Bread or Rice) 7.95 9.95
10 고추잡채밥 Gochu Japchae Bap(빵, 밥 선택) Green Pepper w/ Beef (Choose Bread or Rice) 7.95 9.95
11 잡채밥 Japchae Bap Vegetable Beef & Starch Noodles (Choose white Rice or Fried Rice) 7.95 9.95
12 마파밥 Mapa Bap Fried w/Bean Curd Szechuan Style (Choose white Rice or Fried Rice) 7.95 9.95
13 짜장밥 Jajang Bap Rice with Black Soybean Sauce (Choose white Rice or Fried Rice) 6.95 8.95