Gyeonghoeru, the long-awaited Korean-Chinese restaurant from Seoul, the food capital of Asia, has finally arrived to Fort Lee! Gyeonghoeru gathered the attention of the media and food critiques for its re-interpretation of traditional Korean-Chinese foods. The rustic dishes have transformed into a more modern and sophisticated flavors. Gyeonghoeru has decided to expand the presence to Close by 16th Street Fort Lee New Jersey Community Center. Committed to excellent service as well as quality foods, we strive to offer our guests an exquisite dining experience that only Gyeonghoeru can offer. In an attempt to create a rich sensory experience we have developed a modern Asian-inspired themed restaurant.

1355 16th Street, Fort Lee, NJ 07024
TEL : 201.224.6600

Lunch : Mon~Fri.  11:00am to 3:00pm
except holiday
Open : 11:00am  to Close 10:00pm